B Blues - Aldo Marchand
B Blues - Aldo Marchand Link to listen to this Blues/Rock style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube (In Video):...
B Blues - Aldo Marchand Link to listen to this Blues/Rock style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube (In Video):...
Another day - Dream Theater (Solo By Aldo Marchand) Link to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: On...
Blues Rock in E - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/NC150s8S1VY ...
Now 2.0 - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/njxeWEJWFJQ?si=B0wWdY...
Blue Line - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Blues style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/aZl01_xGXoI?si=Qq2Y...
Transition - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/PBFkEf7xkg8?si=SLR...
Fortress - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Flamenco style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/JpbRqX7zAvs?si=oU...
Away - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In video):...
Am Rock Riff 1 - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Blues/Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In...
Fire - Yngwie Malmsteen (By Aldo Marchand) (Remastered Version) (Softer Volume on Rhythm guitar Section) Link to listen to this...
Fire - Yngwie Malmsteen (By Aldo Marchand) Link to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: On YouTube...
Fire - Yngwie Malmsteen (Solo By Aldo Marchand) Link to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: On...
Gold (Remastered Version) - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube...
Blues in Em - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Blues/Rock style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In video):...
Am Rock Riff 1 - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Blues/Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In...
Love Drive - Scorpions (By Aldo Marchand) New version testing some phrases between the chords along the record. On YouTube (In Video):...
Metal Jam in Em (Remastered Version) - Aldo Marchand Heavy Metal genre improvisation Jam in E minor recorded in 2017 Improvisação no...
Tornado of souls - Megadeth (Solo By Aldo Marchand) YouTube (In Video) https://youtu.be/3eNMGrC7wwo?si=SjiMy9HarswhVRHR My website with...
Tornado of souls - Megadeth (By Aldo Marchand) YouTube (In Video) https://youtu.be/QKf9uCvlCNM?si=-lLh8gjur0RjG5Si My website with music...
Love Drive - Scorpions (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/yZ4mcqkyCIc?si=sMcK7_yOX3_lKtqp My website with music...