Abduction - Aldo Marchand
Abduction - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube (In Video):...
Abduction - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube (In Video):...
Gold - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music on the following digital platforms: YouTube (In Video):...
Anonymous Picture II (Alternative Version) - Aldo Marchand On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/8tQqX9rfNNs?si=i-1VVMbQMMdHg-p9 On...
Love Drive - Scorpions (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/cGazqAcg8CA?si=61ZKFQNDWyTgs7UC My website with music...
Black - Pearl Jam (Solo by Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/BT5s7HvG8F8?si=TPgjV8Yz_PHuBNs- My website with music...
Love Drive - Scorpions (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/ZehThAdYW5Y My website with music lessons:...
Smoke on the water - Deep Purple (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/bPMYyJLAF8s?si=L62juYKNXqDPJ_2S On YouTube:...
Project 2 - Aldo Marchand Link to listen to this Blues/Rock style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In video):...
Anonymous Picture II - Aldo Marchand On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/4w0XVPgNNfU?si=AqfDoOOmigjz9pij On YouTube:...
Anonymous Picture (Acoustic Version) - Aldo Marchand - YouTube (In video) https://youtu.be/1Mk1XUY_rZE?si=srx8cRmK-peMhJx- My website...
Dream House (Acoustic Version) - Aldo Marchand - YouTube (In video) https://youtu.be/Z9XBkH27Etk?si=2l3f0EP41zY7NkBf - YouTube:...
Project 2 (Remastered Version) - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Blues style music on the following digital platforms: -...
Still Loving You - Scorpions (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/9NbAxddehII?si=FB7iPFVSUY-VqKlL My website with...
For my friend (Acoustic Version) - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Blues/Jazz/Fusion style music on the following digital...
Again - Lenny Kravitz (By Aldo Marchand) On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/_fqM6sypW54?si=Y1LSve5Ot1EKWv_8 My website with music...
For my friend II - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Jazz/Fusion music: On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/DMqYhrwaMKg?si=VZccUy...
For my friend - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Blues/Jazz/Fusion style music on the following digital platforms: - YouTube (In...
Dream House II - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Jazz/Fusion music: On YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/dwyweMBMCJI?si=wFqYqysJ...
Dream house - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Pop/Rock/Blues style music on the following digital platforms: - On YouTube (In...
Now 2.0 - Aldo Marchand Links to listen to this Rock/Metal style music: On the YouTube (In Video): https://youtu.be/DIogp6Cmm3Y?si=DLI_Y-...